Great minds are adaptable. They shun static expectations, and are in a constant search of new problems and how to solve them. Instead of breaking under pressure, the adaptable mind is strengthened by it. Facing these kinds of challenges is an invaluable skill, and it is no wonder why adaptability is the second of the Third Space’s Core attributes.
The world is constantly changing, but some problems are still without a solution. Having the flexibility and insight to take new ideas and technologies to apply to some of our most pressing issues is an important component of problem solving. The Triage Project is a good example of this. Founded by two women from Saudi Arabia, Dr. Shaista Hussain and Princess Sama Faissal Al Saud, the Triage Project has made it a mission to expand healthcare access throughout their nation. They’re doing this by building a database of patient information, and making it available to medical volunteers. An app allows workers to triage patients on the spot, and refer them to the appropriate medical facility.
Solving problems means that you have to step outside of your comfort zone. More often than not, you may need to learn a new skill or combine your expertise with that of others in order to make the most meaningful impact. For the Triage Project, it wasn’t enough to work only with physicians. They took advantage of rapidly developing technologies to train volunteers and build a bridge between patients and healthcare professionals.
At Third Space, we also encourage the exploration of different outcomes for the same task at hand. While it is good to have a focused plan, there are usually many ways to meet that one goal. Adaptability allows one to change direction when necessary, instead of losing time on a route that has slowed in progress.
from David Bishop Media | Executive Coaching and Leadership Expertise
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